Do you work “behind the counter” as a reviewer or code official? The Database is here to help you incentivize green building – a tool we can use to Say and Show how green innovations can get approved:
“Building Green? It’s easier than you think!”
The Database is a way to share information with designers, builders and homeowners – and also with each other as code officials – about what works and what doesn’t, what’s new in green codes development and how to navigate the permitting process when innovative methods don’t fit neatly into an existing “prescriptive path” to approval.
By sharing information on successfully permitted innovations and evolving green codes, we can learn, lead and collaborate in today’s changing regulatory environment.
Sharing Information:
- Case studies of permitted Code Innovations
- Analysis of Innovative Green Codes and how they were Adopted
- Stories of Code Collaboration and partnerships to advance innovation
FREE Permit Center Display & Resource Binder

*note: binder tucks behind display to save counter space.
The Guild is building a regional partnership and a national audience for the Database, with a call out to leading Northwest Innovators and Jurisdictions to help make the project a success. We’re offering a free display to interested Cities and Counties who want to encourage more sustainable, energy-efficient building practices. Contact us to request a viewing, or order yours today!
Help us Build the Database
Please take five minutes to submit an innovative project for a case study when a permit is issued, or for a previous approved project. We will acknowledge your submission, and contact again when / if your idea is assigned to a researcher.
How to recognize a Code Innovation: A code innovation is a green or high-performance building design, material or technology that was permitted using a new “green code” or alternative compliance path. By documenting and sharing how innovations were approved, we can encourage sustainable practices and make it easier to build green.
Tell us about your Innovative Green Codes
As codes evolve to protect the environment, save energy, and incorporate sustainable methods, innovators and other jurisdictions want to learn from your experience! Help us gather and share information about these green codes and related initiatives. Check out the Innovative Codes section of the website.
Become a Founding Partner!
Join other leading municipalities to help establish this unique and timely resource. If you aren’t already involved, talk to your lead Code Official about how your department can participate and support the Code Innovations Partnership. Click to learn more!