(360) 789-9669 codeinnovations@ecobuilding.org

Emerald Star Home is Net-Positive Energy in Seattle, WA

In the heart of Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood, this home offers an iconic example of an advanced high-performance home.  It was the first project in Seattle, and the first speculative home, to achieve Built Green’s new Emerald Star rating, and has won a raft of awards and other recognition. The Emerald Star home uses design, innovative materials and technology to achieve net-positive energy, 70% reduction in water use and 90% reclaimed and/or FSC-Certified wood.

Density Bonus for Solar-Powered Grow Community, Bainbridge, WA

 Grow Community is a new development of 142 residential units on 8 urban acres, all built to the highest level of green building certification. It was permitted under Bainbridge Island’s Housing Design Demonstration Program (HDDP) ordinance which offers developers a 1.5 times the base density allowed in the underlying land use zone in exchange for high-performance.
Calliope Farmhouse

Super Insulated Earth at Calliope Farm in Olympia WA

Joseph Becker, Olympia-based natural builder, utilized light straw-clay insulation, perforated plywood shear wall, and expanded cork insulation in the earthen wall system of Calliope Farm’s new residential farmhouse. Using thermal resistance R-values from existing code supplements and references from the cork manufacturer, Becker proved his innovative wall system would exceed WA Energy Code. Sufficient evidence showed that a vapor-permeable wall system adequately managed moisture, thus annulling the required vapor barrier.