(360) 789-9669 codeinnovations@ecobuilding.org

“Off Grid” Net Zero Water at Birch Case Study House

This groundbreaking project is the vision of innovative designer Dan Welch of [bundle] design studio in Bellingham, Washington.  Welch designed and built his own home as a case study to validate principles of the Living Building Challenge (LBC), and achieve an “off-grid” Net-Zero Water home.  He and his family now use purified rainwater for all uses and treat all their wastewater on-site, approved through progressive local & state green building codes that allowed him to legally decline City water/sewer hookups.

State-approved vs. Site-built Composting Toilet in Birch House

To design and build his home to meet the Net-Zero Water imperative of the Living Building Challenge, architectural designer Dan Welch installed waterless composting toilets in his family’s home, and recycles their biosolids on-site “for beneficial purposes” in a manner approved by Whatcom County Health Dept. and City of Bellingham under State of Washington rules.  Although he argued those rules prefer a two-stage “batch composter” for improved sanitation, the County health official required him to choose a continuous composter from the State approved list, rather than his own site-built design.

Lyon Creek Flood Mitigation Project Restores Salmon Habitat in Lake Forest Park

Pacific Northwest salmon sustain ecosystems we depend upon, yet road and highway culverts block them from reaching upstream nesting redds. A 2013 court decision mandates culvert infrastructure be replaced with more environmentally sound solutions. Lyon Creek Flood Mitigation (LCFM) is an award winning example of 21st-century green infrastructure improving wetland parks near a suburban shopping center.